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The Endo Monologues

Conscious {By Design} Natural CBD Wellness Pours Review

What with the virus that shall not be named completely taking over the world I've actively been trying to support my immune system as best as I can but I hate the idea of taking lots of pills day in and day out. However, I'm also not a fan of effervescent drinks as I find that they can taste chalky and have that weird, funky residue when you get to the bottle of the glass. Am I needlessly griping? Yes... So onto the point!

Over the last few years I have tried a wide variety of CBD products but never a flavoured effervescent one. Conscious {By Design} offer not one but four different flavours which are tailored to support a range of needs. I was lucky enough to be sent the sample pack which features two sachets of each flavour but each flavour is also available individually in packs of 12 depending on your needs/preference.

So what products are in the range?

Flex, for energising and recharging; Recline, for calm and relaxation; Immerse, for awakening and restoration and finally Touch, for heightening and stimulating your senses. The flavour profile for each one is similar, with the dominating flavour being ginger but there are pleasant subtleties. Each sachet contains 20mg of water soluble CBD as well as a variety of clinically proven vitamins and botanicals such as vitamin B12, magnesium, zinc, etc.

As I only had two of each flavour to try, I can't vouch for the effectiveness of the additional vitamins but Conscious {By Design} lab test their products twice and then have them checked a third time by an independent third party for quality and purity, plus, they've formally submitted their Novel Food Application so to me it seems like that they're serious in their products and what they stand for, which is great.

In terms of how these made me feel and how they influenced my health? I liked them and they made me feel good. It's no secret that I know CBD works for me and my body and I did notice a difference with these wellness pours. Regardless of the range I felt that my body was supported and that my aches and pains were kept at bay. At the moment I'm dealing with horrific sciatica pain and I noticed that when I started using these, the sharp shooting pains which I felt in my lower back and legs faded to the occasional niggle and dull ache. Both the Flex and Touch range definitely made me feel brighter in the mornings and helped to kick start my energy (I'm usually quite sluggish in the mornings) and the Recline and Immerse were great before bed as they helped me to relax and ultimately get a better night's sleep.

I liked that I could toss one in my bag for on the go or use one in my water bottle for the day without having to think about it; it was really easy to slot them into my routine. I think these are a great option if you're not keen on sublingually taking CBD, like using water based supplements, flavoured water drinks or just want to try something new! I also really liked that there's the option to try the flavours as part of a sample pack rather than committing to a box of 12 for one flavour as it's an expensive commitment if you don't like one of them!

Conscious {By Design} Natural CBD Wellness Pours are £40 for a pack of 12 and a sample pack containing two of each flavour is £25.

You can check our their website here, follow them on Instagram, and/or Facebook.

*This post contains PR samples/gifted items, for my PR disclaimer, click here.

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