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CBD One Absorb Pure+ Review

The Endo Monologues

When I first received this product for CBD One, I have to admit I was slightly perplexed. This product is basically a giant syringe and it looks very futuristic and whilst I've used products in the past that are housed in syringe like packaging, nothing has been as fancy or sophisticated as this.

So what is CBD One's Absorb Pure+ and why on earth is it housed/dispensed in such an intriguing way?

The Absorb Pure+ is named as such because it's a water soluble formula and can easily be added to drinks due to the syringe packaging. I'll say straight off the bat that I much preferred to use this in the traditional sublingual way as I found it didn't mix all too well with my morning green tea (that sounds so pretentious but I don't mean it to!)

However, I do think that if this was added to a cup of coffee or a strongly brewed tea that it would be fine. Part of the issue for me is that this had a slight aniseed taste and I hate, HATE, all things aniseed/liquorice so it really is just personal preference. What I do really like about this is how the dose is measured for you; one push of the syringe administers 10ml of the product which contains 18mg of CBD. The ingredients also include curcurmin (great for inflammation!) as well as pinene and limonene which are known to help with inflammation/pain and anxiety, respectively (Leafly, 2019).

More often than not, CBD is contained within an oil and it turns out that this is a pretty ineffective way of getting the full benefits of it. To clarify, very little is actually absorbed by your body (British Cannabis, 2021), with Mechoulam, Parker and Gallily (2002) stating that the oral bioavailability can range between 13% and 19%. In short, a lot of the potential of CBD is lost which is where CBD One's Absorb Pure+ comes in. Considering our bodies are between 50 - 70% water, a water soluble CBD really takes advantage of that and as a result has a high bioavailability (meaning that more CBD is absorbed by the body).

So most importantly, did this make a difference to my health? Yes, both physically and mentally. I slept so much better when using this and noticed a significant reduction in my end of the day pains and aches. In addition to this, I also found that I was much calmer in situations that would usually make me incredibly anxious. Overall I was incredibly impressed with the Absorb Pure+ and I will definitely be purchasing it again in the future.



  1. British Cannabis (2021) Water-Soluble CBD and What Every EU Seller Should Know to Remain Compliant. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 12 March 2021].

  2. Leafly (2019) What are cannabis terpenes and what do they do? [Online] Available from: [Accessed 10 March 2021].

  3. Mechoulam R., Parker L. A., Gallily R. (2002). Cannabidiol: an overview of some pharmacological aspects. J. Clin. Pharmacol. [Online] 42, 11S−19S. Available from: [Accessed 12 March 2021].


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